
Wednesday, 29 January 2020


An inquiry came up at work that caused a warmed contention that went on for about 30mins. It wasn't about governmental issues, religion or cash; it was tied in with settling on a groundbreaking choice in a brief instant. You are thinking about what the inquiry is? All things considered, here it goes; 

Envision you are headed to work at about 6:30am, driving state at 80kmph, appreciating the cool morning breeze and tuning in to some cool music and out of nowhere, you see this man or lady run into the express, attempting to go across the street as opposed to utilizing the person on pedestrian bridge,  okay out of nowhere hammer your brakes so you don't hit them? Considering the way that there are different vehicles or trucks coming behind you who could hammer into your vehicle, bringing about a genuine mishap and likely loss of lives or would you rather hit the individual intersection the express and spare different lives and properties?  

Whichever way it's a contention of life. Whose life ought to be spared, yours and others behind you or the individual who ignored the transit regulations and would not utilize the person on pedestrian bridge?

Now that’s tough but no one deserves to be put in such a tough spot if only we obey the traffic laws. If we use the pedestrian bridges then there would be a drastic reduction in the number of lives lost every day on the road. I have seen corpses of people hit right beside the pedestrian bridge and it’s just sad, I keep thinking, only if they had taken the bridge, they would still be alive.
Another thing is that some of these bridges are not in good shape and look like they could cave in at any moment; some are always dirty and smelly because people defecate on them like the one at Ketu. All this could be discourage people from using the pedestrian bridges. 
There are also some places that need a pedestrian bridge like Berger bus stop on the Lag/Ib expressway, with the high influx of cars going in and out of Lagos, crossing that road is always a nightmare.
All in all please where the pedestrian bridges are good, please lets endeavor to use them, don’t waste your life and other lives, Life really does have no duplicate neither does body parts that’s if you don’t die.


1 comment:


When you cross at a junction, pay attention to traffic turning corner, especially from behind you. * Watch the traffic as well as the l...

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